Things that make Madrid a unique city

  • Puesta de sol desde el Mirador de la Cornisa, entre el Palacio Real y la Catedral de la Almudena

27 reasons why Madrid is an incomparable city

Joie de vivre, art, nature, incredible cuisine, secrets hidden in plain sight.. We are sure that when you come to see us, you will want to add a few of your own to our list as well

1. We are a World Heritage Site

Landscape of Light: Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List; after all, Paseo del Prado was the first of Europe’s tree-lined urban promenades.

2. It is the city of Almodóvar

La flor de mi secreto

New York has Woody Allen and Madrid has Pedro Almodóvar. Discover his film locations in Madrid.

3. It is the capital of flamenco

El Corral de la Morería Enjoy the best artists or take a class yourself. Don't miss the Teatro Flamenco Madrid, the world’s first flamenco theatre.

4. Enjoy a coffee where Garcia Lorca and Orson Welles​ once did

Café Gijón (©Álvaro López del Cerro)

Great names from the worlds of literature and cinema once gathered around the marble tables of Café Gijon: Lorca, Welles, Capote, Galdós, Valle-Inclán...

5. You can have lunch (or dinner) at the oldest restaurant in the world

Restaurante Botín

The restaurant Sobrino de Botin claims (and is confirmed) to be the oldest restaurant in the world. Almost 300 years of history!

6. No one has as many European Cup titles as Real Madrid

The Real Madrid Trophy Room showcasing their 15 European Cups

You can see for yourself at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium and have your photograph taken with the team’s 15 European Cups as part of the Bernabeu Tour

7. We have the most important bullring in the world

Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas, 1929. Obra de José Espelius. Foto de Álvaro López del Cerro.

With a seating capacity of almost 24,000 spectators, the Plaza de Toros Monumental de las Ventas has welcomed the greatest bullfighters of all time and has a Bullfighting Museum that is open every day of the year from 10am to 6pm.

8. You'll be amazed by the Civil War bunkers in Parque del Oeste

Parque del Oeste

This park is home to the material remains of the greatest tragedy the city has ever experienced: the Civil War. These claustrophobic constructions are truly impressive.

9. It hides a museum dedicated to a mouse

Museo Casa del Ratón Pérez

Yes, you read that right. There is a museum dedicated to Ratón Pérez, the little mouse that visits children in Spain and leaves them a gift for every tooth they lose (all without being seen of course).

10. You can walk through a ghost metro station

Andén 0. Estación de Chamberí

The Estación de Chamberí, which has been closed since 1966 and was designed by Antonio Palacios, can be seen with all its bright, colourful, luminous finishes

11. Pick up some of the city’s famous violet flavoured sweets at La Violeta

La Violeta, Álvaro López del Cerro © Madrid Destino

Visit this beautiful shop and buy these delicious sweets, a firm favourite of Queen Victoria Eugenia.

12. Cervantes lived and died in Madrid

Monumento a Cervantes. Estatuas de El Quijote y Sancho Panza tras la remodelación de la Plaza de España (nov 2021)

Don Quixote, the most important novel in world literature, was printed here . Walk in the writer's footprints.

13. We have our own way of singing

La zarzuela

Zarzuela is a light opera genre that is truly Spanish and very characteristic of Madrid. Find out more at the Teatro de la Zarzuela.

14. It is the second most treelined city in the world

Casa de Campo

As you walk around the city, you will find that it is full of parks and gardens. Don't miss El Retiro, the enormous Casa de Campo-ten times larger than Hyde Park-, or Madrid Rio, a new green space along the River Manzanares with more than ten kilometres of pedestrian footpaths that have changed the city.

15. No one has so much life on their rooftops

360° Terraza y Sky Bar

Madrid, especially Gran Via, is chocked full of hotels with bars and restaurants on its terraces: good views, good company, and the best tapas.

16. It is a city full of art

Las Meninas de Velázquez en el Museo del Prado

Seeing Las Meninas and Guernica in the flesh, so to speak, would be reason enough to come to Madrid, a city that in just over one kilometre houses the Prado Museum, the Thyssen-Bornemisza and the Reina Sofia. Don't miss other charming museums such as the Sorolla, the Cerralbo and the Lazaro Galdiano.

17. Goya decorated the chapel of San Antonio de la Florida

Frescos de Goya en la ermita de San Antonio de la Florida

And he left us, in the chapel where he is buried, some fantastic frescoes that you can visit for free

18. We have the most glamorous shopping arcade in the heart of Madrid

Galería Canalejas

Fashion, luxury, and fine food can be found at Galeria Canalejas, next to Puerta del Sol.

19. There are still traces of the working-class Madrid of yesteryear

Corrala de Tribulete.jpg

In Lavapiés you can see our traditional corrala or corridor housing, a remnant of Madrid from the late 19th century and early 20th century

20. We love going out

Casa Botín


To bars, restaurants, theatres... Areas like Malasaña are known all over the world


21. We have the most famous LGTB neighbourhood in the world

Metro Chueca


Chueca is synonymous with freedom. Come and explore this area during our Pride celebrations!

22. We love showing off our traditions

Bailando chotis San Isidro 2018

During San Isidro and in the street festivities held in August you can discover all of our authentic traditions.

23. We celebrate the Chinese New Year in true style


In Usera we have a large Chinese community that has brought to Madrid this beautiful annual celebration

24. We are the capital of Spanish language musicals

El Rey León

The Lion King, We Will Rock You... And many more coming soon!

25. We have the best opera house in the world (2019-2020)

Teatro Real

Considered to be Spain’s premier institution for the performing and musical arts in Spain, it is the leading national opera house and one of Spain’s most important cultural institutions.

26. You can enjoy one of the most beautiful sunsets right by an Egyptian temple

Templo de Debod

Right by the Plaza de España is the Temple of Debod, an Egyptian temple dating back to the 2nd century BC donated to Spain by the Egyptian government to prevent it from being flooded after the construction of the Aswan dam. Visit at dusk and you'll be treated to a beautiful sunset!

27. Dabiz Muñoz and gastronomy in Madrid

Don’t forget that Madrid is home to Dabiz Muñoz, crowned the world’s best chef in 2021, 2022 and in 2023 at The Best Chef Awards. He currently has three restaurants in the city: DiverXO, StreetXO  and RavioXO. In addition, in Madrid you can enjoy cuisine from the five continents, and it’s the ideal European city to immerse yourself in Ibero-American gastronomy. It is also worth visiting one of the restaurants with a Michelin star in Madrid.




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    Centuries-old Patisseries
  • Casa Mira. Foto: Álvaro López del Cerro
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    Map of Tourist Areas (PDF)
  • Mapa Zonas turísticas (PDF)
  • The so-called chico genre, a Spanish-style opera, reflects the social reality of Madrid gone by.

    La zarzuela
  • La zarzuela
  • Discover the best spots in the city to enjoy Spain’s artistic expression par excellence.

  • El Corral de la Morería


  • A one-kilometre stretch that is home to three of the best museums in the world: the Prado, the Thyssen-Bornemisza and the Reina Sofía. 

    Paseo del Arte
  • Madrid boasts an array of public parks and gardens from Casa de Campo, Spain's largest green space, to El Retiro Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Parks and Gardens
  • Rosaleda de El Retiro © Álvaro López del Cerro


  • Find out more about this universal art in a city that breathes flamenco and is home to leading flamenco houses and shows by reputed artists of the genre.

    Flamenco in Madrid
  • El Flamenco en Madrid
  • Enjoy Madrid in a different way: get a tattoo, visit a peculiar haberdashery store or escape from an enchanted house. Power to the imagination!

    Unique romantic getaways
  • Escapadas originales en pareja
  • From flamenco shows, cutting-edge plays and gravity-defying circus acts to the staging of operatic masterpieces and Spanish operettas, Madrid has something for all tastes.

    Theatre and dance in Madrid


  • Enjoy stunning vistas of the sprawling city and its most famous landmarks.

    Madrid Viewpoints
  • Faro de Moncloa. Verano 2023. Foto: Alváro López del Cerro © Madrid Destino


  • Discover 10 places off the beaten track that your trip to Madrid wouldn't be complete with visiting. 

    Alternative Top 10
  • Top 10 alternativo
  • A selection of restaurants that serve home-made dishes that have been enjoyed in Spain for generations.

    Traditional Casa de Comidas
  • Casa Mundi


  • A selection of ten statues around the city that come out to meet visitors

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  • Terrazas al aire libre - Ramses terraza


  • Zonas de compras
  •  Fin de semana de compras en Madrid
  • Calles de Madrid. Chueca. LGTBI
  • Un paseo por las galerías de arte de Madrid
  • Enjoy the performing arts at Madrid’s many theatres, stages and concert halls.

    Theatres and concert halls


  • Here’s a list of the best tapas bars in Madrid for a most enjoyable culinary experience.

    Out for Tapas in Madrid
  • De tapas por Madrid
  • Monumento Alfonso XII. 1922. José Grases Riera. Foto de Álvaro López del Cerro.
  • No matter what time of year you visit, in Madrid you will enjoy our light and an inexhaustible array of culture, food and entertainment.

    Madrid through the seasons
  • Madrid en todas las estaciones del año


The city’s new official sightseeing and tourist travel pass.

An observation deck at 92 metres.

Our online store (in Spanish) sells artisan souvenirs.