Don't leave your hotel without this city map featuring Madrid's most famous landmarks (PDF, 29MB)
Download our map of Madrid's tourist areas to help you find your way around the city! (PDF, 11.8MB)
An informational map to help you discover the city using its public bus system (PDF, 2.4MB)
Madrid Metro has prepared a map featuring the stations you need for the city's top sites (PDF 1.8MB)
Download the map to one of the most modern underground transport networks in the world (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Find out which bus lines you should take to get round the city with an online interactive map.
Check out our guide - in English - which is packed with practical tips and advice to help you get the most out of your trip to the Spanish capital.
Keep up-to-date with the latest openings in the city: accommodation, restaurants, bars, shops, markets, cultural spaces, sports facilities, services...
Students from around the world flock to Madrid as the perfect place to learn a language now spoken by over 500 million people and counting.
Photography, painting, sculpture... The arts have found their niche in Madrid's leading museums and exhibition halls (Sep - Dec 2024).