Madrid's Climate

  • Clima de Madrid
  • Clima de Madrid
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Madrid will surprise you with its intense, enveloping blue sky. With a dry climate and little rainfall, the city has hot summers and cold winters. No matter what time of the year you choose to come, you’re very likely to see with your own eyes the deep blue sky Velázquez loved to paint.

Weather forecast by locations. Madrid


In spring, Madrid’s parks, gardens and green spaces are bursting with flowers.

The first couple of months tend to bring rain, with an average temperature of 12ºC (54ºF) in April. As the month of May progresses, the weather becomes almost summery, with average temperatures reaching 21ºC (70ºF) in June, when the streets get livelier. The perfect temperature to enjoy the popular Fiestas de San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of Madrid, which are celebrated around the 15th May or on the 2nd of May bank holiday, known as Día de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Primavera con niños


Summers are dry and can be very hot, with an average temperature of around 25ºC in July and August, but don’t be put off, you can look for relief in the many swimming pools in the centre and surrounding areas. During these months, the days are very long and the city’s activity takes place at the end of the afternoon and evening, when it moves onto a terrace on the street or on rooftops. In August, the city is more relaxed as many people from Madrid go away on holiday, although there are usually festivities in Cayetano, Lavapiés and La Paloma from 6 to 15 August, some of the best open air festivities in the city. In late August and in September, the temperatures drop significantly.

Piscinas de verano en Madrid


In October, temperatures are mild, while in November, it tends to be cold and rainy. The last two months of the year are generally the wettest. The average temperature goes from 15 ºC in October to 7ºC in December. In any case, it is an excellent opportunity to visit the city’s parks, including El Retiro - in shades of red and ochre. Furthermore, autumn is the time when you feel like tasting some of the local cuisine typical dishes, such as stew or tripe; La Bola is a good option in this respect. During the autumn months, it is common to come across a weather condition, popularly known as the "Veranillo de San Miguel", which is celebrated on 29 September, from which it takes its name, usually coinciding in mid-November. It is a phenomenon that brings typical summer temperatures and sunny days, making the onset of the cold weather more bearable.

Clima de Madrid


Winters in Madrid are cold and dry, and snow does fall now and then, especially in late December and in January. However, Madrid isn’t known to be a particularly snowy city. January is the coldest month of the year, when average temperatures can be as low as 6ºC (43ºF) on average.

Nevertheless, cloudless skies are very common in the winter months, so you won’t miss out on the warm and pleasant midday sun. In this period of the year, at the end of February, it is a must to admire the beautiful cherry trees in blossom at the Quinta de los Molinos. And of course, you must enjoy Christmas, with its lights and ice rinks all around the city, the San Silvestre Vallecana, grapes in the Puerta del Sol or the Kings’ Parade, among many other activities. When the chill begins to bite, it’s a great idea to drop into one of the many ‘chocolaterias’ dotted around Madrid and enjoy a lovely cup of hot chocolate with churros (long deep-fried doughnuts).

Clima de Madrid


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Discover the city's most popular sights and attractions, from one of Europe's largest royal palaces to the magnificent Prado Museum and the Real Madrid football stadium. 


Discover the situation and forecasts in terms of air quality at all times. Consult the citizen recommendations to help to improve it.

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    What to do in Madrid in spring
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    Madrid’s Outdoor Pools
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The city’s new official sightseeing and tourist travel pass.

An observation deck at 92 metres.

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