Official bodies

Madrid Destino. Cultura, Turismo y Negocio

Madrid Destino Cultura, Turismo y Negocio (Madrid Destino) is in charge among other things,
of the worldwide promotion of the city of Madrid, which encompasses everything from leisure
and business tourism to visitor information and assistance. This public entity include capturing
MICE tourism through the Madrid Convention Bureau (MCB), one of the key departments within
its framework.

In 1984, Madrid City Council set up the MCB in order to promote the city as a destination for
all kinds of events connected to congresses, conventions, conferences, trade fairs, corporate
events, exhibitions, product and service presentations, incentive trips and professional
training programmes. Madrid has all the infrastructure required to host these kinds of
events, and doing business is indeed a pleasure here, as the MCB slogan proclaims.

The MCB provides the “Q” mark for quality, which has, in recent years, become the benchmark
standard when arranging any corporate event in the city of Madrid. Its office acts as a key advisor
to any organisation that chooses our city as the location for their event, putting them in touch
with almost 200 of the bureau’s partners. These partners include hotels, special venues, conference
and convention centres, professional conference organisers, catering companies, specialist travel
agencies (DMC), transport firms and any other type of service provider that might be needed for the
successful outcome of the business tourism event.
The MCB is a member of the ICCA (International Congress and Conference Association), the SCB
(Spain Convention Bureau) and the UIA (Union Internationale des Associations).

Madrid Destino. Cultura, Turismo y Negocio

Calle Plaza Mayor 27 28012 Madrid

Telephone Number (+34) 91 578 77 58

