Madrid Convention Bureau Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Sustainability actions

A daily commitment

  • At Madrid Convention Bureau we promote the use of public transport, electric mobility and physical exercise as means of getting to work, thereby reducing tonnes of CO2 emissions that contribute to global warming every year.
  • We avoid unnecessary transfers in our programmes and prioritise the use of eco-friendly vehicles and public transport.   
  • Paper and cardboard account for 90% of the waste generated in offices. At MCB, we adhere to the principle paperless is more, and we therefore prioritise the use of digital information, proceedings and documentation, both in our workplace and at the events we organise.
    In line, for instance, with our commitment to avoiding paper publications, in 2019 we replaced our main publication, the Meeting Manual, with a web-based one.
  • Our office has an eco-friendly waste separation station for food, paper, cardboard, plastics, containers and non-recyclable material, with each workstation equipped with separate bins for waste disposal.
  • Toner cartridges from laser printers and ink cartridges from conventional printers are considered waste due to their non-biodegradable nature and significant environmental impact. MCB has appointed a waste collection manager and promotes the use of products with more environmentally friendly inks.
  • To reduce bottled water consumption, our office is equipped with water fountains.
  • We build our stands using fabrics made of recyclable materials. These are then repurposed into promotional items such as backpacks, wallets, glasses cases, and bags.
  • We promote a ‘plastic-free’ policy at trade fairs: our participating partners receive a welcome pack that includes a glass bottle to refill at the stand’s main water fountain and a box of violets, a traditional Madrid sweet. To promote handicrafts and local production and the principle of long-term usefulness, merchandising products are chosen based on environmental and social sustainability criteria.
  • Our trade fair stands are carbon neutral, maximising the use of recycled and recyclable materials while offsetting the CO2 emissions generated during their construction. 
  • In 2010, we conducted our first training sessions on CSR and Sustainability in the Tourism Sector. These training courses allow us to transfer knowledge and raise awareness in the events sector of the importance of sustainability.

At MCB, we encourage our associate and collaborator companies to adopt these guidelines:

  • Ensuring contracts with our suppliers are based on zero waste and no single-use plastic.
  • Supporting environmentally friendly catering companies that can donate leftover food to companies that can collect it for community kitchens, etc.
  • Offering all organisers the option to leave a social and environmental ‘legacy in Madrid’.