Madrid Convention Bureau Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Fifth CIFMers Conference, in Madrid

The V edition of CIFMers Conference returns to Madrid with “The human side of Facility Management. Impact on people and how it relates to other business stakeholders”

Under the name of “The human side of Facility Management. Impact on people and how it relates to other business stakeholders”, the fifth edition of Cifmers Conference will be held in Madrid on 01 October. A day of Facility Management which will take a place at Casa América and in which attendees will hear first-hand to management of real estate and services companies like ISS, Vueling Airlines, Schneider Electric, Auren BLC, Vitra, Casino Gran Madrid, Happy Working Lab, COFARES and Orange, among others, which will present their experience.

Networking among FM professionals

The event will serve as well as a platform for the exchange of information among professionals in the sector, which will make networking and learn best practices from other colleagues. FM provider will meet the needs of potential customers to improve their services. All this in an event in which ethics and professionalism are the maxims of the organization.

The program of the Conference is composed of a day with two blocks of lectures and technical speeches and round table to cover the largest possible sector vision.

For further info click here.



congresses Facility Management madrid networking