Madrid Convention Bureau Ayuntamiento de Madrid

CIFMers, the Congress of Facility Managers for Facility Managers, will be held in Madrid in 2015

In September 2015, Madrid will be again the host city for CIFMers, the International Congress of Facility Manager. After the successful edition of 2014, CIFMers will continue to promote the discipline and strengthen the role of Facility Managers in their organizations.

Last year lectures, given by Facility Managers with global or continental responsibilities, were very interesting to the attending audience, who valued highly the fact that none of the presentations had a commercial nature. This is a defining characteristic of CIFMers, where all the speakers are selected among end-user Facility Managers, with the intention that their fellow Facility Managers can learn from their experience and providers can get to know the needs of their clients. In 2015 we will have again 6 thematic units: Facility Management and the Public Sector, Workplace, Technology and Software Tools, Energy & Sustainability, Real Estate & Property and Service Provision.

With last year’s good results and the interest this edition is receiving, we are sure that next September CIFMers 2015 will be again the centre of attention of Facility Managers all around the world.