
EHA2024 features new blood donation campaign in Madrid

Share Knowledge, Share Life is the slogan of the campaign, which is also being carried out in partnership with the Blood Transfusion Centre of the Community of Madrid The aim is to allow the participants of certain congresses and events held in the city to contribute to improving our public health by donating blood Madrid… Read more »

Madrid to host womENcourage™ 2024

Madrid will host, from 26 to 28 June 24, the 11th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage™ 2024 The participation is open to all genders and will provide with a full program of activities The ACM-W Europe womENcourage 2024 event will be held in Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid from June… Read more »

The 20 biggest conferences hosted by Madrid in 2023 had an impact of 88 million euro

These twenty association meetings brought 72,000 professional visitors to the Spanish capital and created more than 42,000 direct and indirect jobs The majority of expenditure was on areas like accommodation and restaurants, which accounted respectively for 44 million and 20.5 million euro Among these heavily attended conferences hosted by Madrid last year, the European Society… Read more »

Madrid is named the World’s Leading Meetings & Conference Destination for the fifth year running

The Spanish capital wins the grand final of the 2023 World Travel Awards, the tourism industry’s most prestigious international accolades   The Spanish capital was competing against the cities that won the other regional categories of the World Travel Awards, including Abu Dhabi, Las Vegas, Paris, Seoul and Singapore. Industry professionals reaffirmed their confidence in… Read more »

Madrid presents its offerings at the IBTM World MICE tourism fair

Madrid City Council is taking part, via Madrid Convention Bureau, in this international professional meeting held in Barcelona The city council is promoting the Spanish capital’s range of specialised goods and services for the MICE segment in partnership with 24 companies from Madrid. Over 500 professional meetings will be held in total. The Madrid stand… Read more »

The Spanish capital reaffirmed its leading position at the 30th edition of the World Travel Awards, the travel industry’s most prestigious international awards

 Madrid is named Europe’s top MICE destination for the sixth year in a row Travel industry professionals once again ranked Madrid in first place, ahead of other European cities like Copenhagen, Paris and Vienna Madrid will now compete to be renamed the top MICE destination in the world at the Grand Final Gala Ceremony The… Read more »

Govtech 4 Impact World Congress

21 – 34 May, 2024 | Madrid, Spain BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGIES FOR FUTURE GOVERNMENTS Tough challenges demand agile governments that can harness the power of technology with the vision of entrepreneurial public servants and the creativity of impact-driven innovators. This requires meaningful interaction between governments, corporations, academics, investors, new entrepreneurs, and crucially, citizens. The G4I… Read more »

NATO Summit: organisational excellence in Madrid

The NATO Summit, which had widespread media coverage, was held in Madrid from 28 to 30 June and undoubtedly served to strengthen the city’s international image with regards to professional event organisation. Appearing in articles and reports, as well as in the press and on TV, for weeks Madrid and its tourist offerings were news… Read more »