Madrid Convention Bureau Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Southern European Print congress, in June in Madrid

The Southern European Print Congress 2019 will be held in Madrid, from June 19 to 20


This congress brings together the main printing companies of visual communication, under the slogan “Connecting businesses, Creating opportunities”


The Southern European Print Congress will be held in Madrid from June 19 to 20. The place chosen, the hotel Ilunion Pío XII.

Networking and the search for synergies are going to be the main elements of the 5th Southern European Print Congress which will be held on June 19 and 20. Organized by FESPA Spain, FESPA France, FESPA Italy and Apigraf Portugal, with the support of FESPA International, the event will bring together printers and suppliers from all over Europe.

Connecting businesses, Creating Opportunities

The event will be focused on networking. Entitled Connecting businesses, creating opportunities, the Congress aims to facilitate the connection between printers and service providers through the so-called Speedy Meetings, quick meetings in which attendees have the chance to meet, exchange cards and consider collaborations in future business.

For further info click here.

congress FESPA madrid Print