Madrid Convention Bureau Ayuntamiento de Madrid

BestCities: 12 Voices Share One Important Message

BestCities Alliance’s new communications campaign set to showcase the Power of People.

BestCities adds a unique value to its member cities. This ‘Alliance thinking’ not only brings a level of creative client solutions no individual partner city could deliver on their own, but in turn helps BestCities’ members achieve their own objectives, better than they could alone.  


In recognition of the Global Meetings Industry Day last April 12, the BestCities Global Alliance has started an exciting new communications strategy showcasing the Power of People.

Led by the Greater Bogotá Convention Bureau, who will host the BestCities 2018 Global Forum in December 9-12, the bureau has developed a campaign that aims to celebrate the unique role people play in making significant changes and progressions in the meetings and events industry.

Together alongside the 11 other BestCities destinations, Bogotá is showcasing the core theme of this year’s Global Forum in a drip-feed digital strategy that makes touch points across the globe. This is the first time the alliance has communicated the theme from their annual event out to a wider audience via a targeted strategy that sees all cities share a cohesive message.

The movement gives real understanding and meaning to the power people have within an industry that have the ability to make change. Over the past two years, the BestCities Global Forum has looked at the impact of legacy and the importance of building cultural bridges. This year, the alliance wants to ensure the people are at the core of everything.

Phase one of the campaign will see all 12 of the BestCities partner cities, which includes Berlin, Tokyo, Vancouver, Madrid, Houston, Singapore, Melbourne, Dubai, Bogotá, Copenhagen, Edinburgh and Cape Town, share impactful images that illustrate what the Power of People means to them.

Linda Garzón Rocha of Greater Bogotá Convention Bureau said: “We strongly believe that each person has the power to make a fundamental difference that can shape the future and make a positive change. People are the essence of this industry, and this industry is a vessel to achieve wider and bigger impacts. As an alliance we want to highlight the true power of the people within it and believe this campaign will help us achieve this.”

Paul Vallee, Managing Director of BestCities Global Alliance said: “We always do our utmost to ensure the theme of our Global Forum focuses on a significant topic so we’re excited to have this year’s event focus on the Power of People. The message we want to communicate is that people live at the heart of this industry and through this campaign we hope to shine a spotlight on the many inspiring individuals who are working to better the industry, events and legacies we’re creating. The Power of People is a broad theme with multiple meanings and we’re thrilled to have a strategy in place to share our view on what this means to 12 of the best cities across the globe.

For more information on BestCities and its upcoming events visit  @BestCitiesGA



BestCities campaign madrid power of people