Madrid Convention Bureau Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Video innovation arrives to Madrid

The arrival of Internet and the new technologies have changed the way we consume audiovisual content. In this revolution, millennials have a lot to say. They have replaced the traditional television consumption by an online and on demand content. They decide what they want to watch, when, how and where.

The video has become a powerful tool in order to attract them. But, are companies aware of who are them? Do companies want to attract them at any price? Are they keeping youtubers and influencers in mind?

To answer these questions, Madrid will host September 29th in the Palacio de la Prensa NewVideo Congress, an event for marketing professionals where the new and the last trends of audiovisual industry, the new recording formats and the distribution of contents will be presented. In addition, professionals will address the success of “videoinfluencers” and how their activity has become more professional and how brands turn to them to attract their audience.