Madrid Convention Bureau Ayuntamiento de Madrid

MCB activity in July and August

Over the course of the summer months, Madrid Convention Bureau has provided a range of support services for a familiarisation trip promoted by Iberia for ten specialist travel agencies from Brazil, in addition to around ten national and international congresses, conferences and meetings held during July and August.

In terms of organising and attracting future events, in August a technical visit took place with the organisers of a major convention involving over 10,000 delegates due to be held in Madrid in 2017. There was also a selection round for PCOs and venues as part of a collaboration for organising a national congress planned for 2018 (1,000 delegates). As part of its organisational collaboration, MCB has also been promoting destination Madrid at the 2016 congress of The Transplantation Society, TTS Congress, which has already been confirmed for Madrid in 2018. MCB took part with an information stand about the city at this year’s congress in Hong Kong to tell delegates about Madrid’s attractions and increase their interest in visiting the city in 2018.

In July MCB dealt with an inspection visit carried out by representatives from a European medical association as part of preparations for bidding to host their congress in Madrid. If the bid is successful, the event will take place in 2020 with an estimated 9,000 delegates. During the visit a number of meetings and pre-bid preparatory visits were held by representatives from the association.